HFC Affiliations

We are a proud member of the PATRIOT PROJECT!!

The Patriot Project is a grass roots movement to provide chiropractic care to all Active Military, their Families, Wounded Warriors & All Gold Star Dependents. 

It's a little known fact that chiropractic care is included in veteran's health benefits, and it's an underutilized option. The Patriot Project aims to change this by making chiropractic care readily available to our service members. 


Along with being a member of the Patriot Project, Dr. Lockhart is a Community Board Member Trustee of Little Blessings Veteran and Community Outreach. 

About Little Blessings:
Where we came from
We are a reflection of our community! We understand how real the mental and emotional struggles are:
*unforgettable images of our combat experiences
*high anxiety of transitioning from military to civilian life
*substance abuse battles,
*horrific memories of family suicides
*fighting a disease like cancer in hopes you'll someday win
and so many more.

Where we're going
Our Vision – Integrative wellness for a healthier mind, body and spirit 

Our Mission –Make a difference in the lives of our veterans, families, and our communities with the use of our animals and our passionate and qualified resources.
Our real life experiences have fueled an internal fire in all of us! We are going to create a one of a kind facility that will restore your faith, inspire you to be healthy and gives you the tools to find your dreams!!!  

They provide Eagala therapy to veterans. 
What is Eagala Therapy: 
*Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) -   

EAP is a powerful and effective therapeutic approach that has an incredible impact on individuals, youth, families, and groups. EAP addresses a variety of mental health and human development needs including behavioral issues, transitional stress, substance abuse, reintegration, depression, anxiety, relationship problems and communication needs. Our instructors are Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) certified. EAP is a collaborative effort between a licensed therapist and a horse professional working with clients and horses to achieve structured goals.

Want to learn more about Little Blessings and/or how to get involved? Check out their website, facebook and Instagram pages!
Facebook: @LittleBlessingsOutreach
Instagram: lbveteranoutreach
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